by Svendt | Jan 27, 2018 | Events
. How to transition from Academia into the Pharma industry? . Did you know that the last trend in life science recruiting companies is to hire MSc/PhD graduates and other highly educated professionals to keep in pace with the latest technological and scientific...
by Svendt | Nov 19, 2017 | Events
. (English message follows) . Le Groupe Accès Pharma offre une formation qualifiante bilingue dispensée en classe, avec stage non-rémunéré en CRO et mentorat jusqu’à l’embauche dans le carde de son Programme d’insertion en emploi en recherche clinique pour les...
by Svendt | Oct 28, 2017 | Events
. . New: A CRA Mentorship program of CRA School-Montreal . MEET A MENTOR: a series of consultations and workshops in the frame of the new program Clinical Research Insertion and Mentoring . Meet a SrCRA every Thursday evening to ask your questions . 1-st...
by Svendt | Oct 22, 2017 | Events
. Seminar : Roles & responsibilities of the Principal Investigator, the CRC and the CRA . November 9-th (Thursday) from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM 405 Ogilvy avеnue, suite #101 (behind métro Du Parc) . Come to meet a seasoned Principal Investigator, an experienced...
by Svendt | Oct 16, 2017 | Events
. The weekly OPEN DOORS TO CLINICAL RESEARCH JOBS moved into a nice new place in the beautiful blue building of the Computer Research Institute of Montreal (C.R.I.M.) on 405 Ogilvy Avenue, suite #101, Montreal, QC, H3N 1M3, right aside of the metro station Du Parc on...