6-th Clinical Research Careers day – Montreal
June 17, 2015, Wednesday, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Hotel Gouverneur, Montreal, pl. Dupuis, metro Berri-UQAM, H2L 3Y9
Meet again 4 new speakers from 4 other pharmaceutical companies.
Learn about other career opportunities in Regulatory affairs.
Build your network because your net worth is your network.
Permanent subject:
. Clinical research & regulatory affairs careers and how to get-in
Meet the companies:
Pfizer, PPD, NeuroRx, Millenium, Ernst & Young,
The jobs presented:
Sr CRA, Project Management Director, Independent CRA Consultant,
Medical Affairs Manager, Medical Advisor, R&D Tax credit manager
Admission: $ 15 (Early birds-25% off) / $ 20 at the door (1 drink included in price)
Bring a fiend who may profit from learning about the career opportunities in RA
Have a glass of vine together while working on your network. Never stop networking.
Limited number of places, register now here. Come ealier, limited time for networking
Our speakers:
Every month we invite 4 or 5 new speakers with different professions from
the regulatory affairs area to get informed directly from the source about
unknown career opportunities & allow initiating additional contacts in this
well paid field in another 4-5 pharmaceutical companies or institutions.
Register now to grow your network and pass the info to your friends.