MD, PharmD or PhD? The active hiring season resumes soon. Are you ready? Meet 3 leading experts from Merck, AbbVie and Novartis who will speak about the requirements for these well-paid careers and how to get in the clinical trials industry.
Come to get informed about these rewarding career opportunities in the clinical trials industry – the jobs of the MSL, Drug safety adviser and Pharmacovigilance specialist. Register at our next Careers’ meeting
Thursday, February 28-th, 5:30 PM – 9:00 PM
405 Ogilvy Avеnue, suite #101, CRIM
Montreal, QC, Canada H3N 1M3
(metro PARC, blue line). Free parking.
Register here:
MD, PharmD or PhD degree holders often don’t know much about these promising careers. Tell your friends about this event that can change their lives, like it happened with a lot of CRA School alumni. You can easily find them on Linkedin.
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